Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Needs and Habits!


You know experts say that after you repeat something for so long it just becomes a habit.

I must be the exception. Everything I desire to become a good habit I have to work at.

Now the bad habits aren’t so hard. I still bite my nails, Read when I should be cleaning, Walk past my shoes 10 times that need to be put away and yes, I didn’t even make my bed this morning. All these things happen without even trying.

But my good habits I have to make an effort. Reading and praying are definitely getting easier to always do because they are a NEED in my life. 15 years ago when I had lots of little ones this sometimes got overlooked, my needs then were more about getting to be in the bathroom alone.

But now with a 20, 18, 17, 15, and almost 13 year old reading and praying aren’t just a habit they are a NEED!!

They were a need then too, I was just to young and tired to realize it. Pause…..( this is where I feel regret ).

Ok regret over! Today is a new day I can’t worry about the past! Today I will do better!

Okay now for the point…


I exercise usually daily and have for the last I would say at least year and 1/2 and guess what I still have to make myself.

I should be exercising now but I am stalling by blogging because I just can’t make myself do it yet!

But I will, Because I have to! Hopefully tomorrow I will wake up and it will be a habit. (Because right now it certainly does not feel like a need)

If not I will make myself exercise again tomorrow!

(I hope!)



  1. I am with you! I REALLY dislike exercising and have to make myself do it. (Please come Spring & Summer so I can walk outside!)

    I would love to hear what you do for exercise...got any tips?

  2. It's just amazing how alike we sound, but probably most of us fall into this category. I am stalling right now too, my kiddo is asleep and my treadmill is yelling at me as I type. Okay, enough stalling, let's get to work.

  3. Hey Susie,

    Someone just told me that they tried to comment on your blog and couldn't because your blog won't take 'anoymous' comments.

    If you want anoymous comments, click on 'settings'. Then click on 'comments'. There is a button you can select that will allow "Anyone" to comment. You may want to click that...if you want to receive more comments....just wanted to let you know!

    Have a great weekend!
