Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chubby Cheeks!



Yep that’s me! It seems I have always had a weight problem. But then they called it cute and chubby.


I think here I was called healthy and filled out!


I believe this is me “thinning out”  Thinning out for me didn’t last long and I didn’t get very thin! I never did get rid of my chubby cheeks!


This is probably me at one of the thinnest moments of my life and guess what? I still had chubby cheeks!

I could have posted so many more of me that weren’t near as flattering. We could have labeled them…


What a pretty face

the hair cut

New Perm

Really awkward!

But they all have one thing in common!


I have learned to accept these cheeks. It seems that there is no real good exercise for this problem!

It really doesn’t seem so bad now that I am 40 and dealing with the double chin and saggy neck syndrome!

I talked to someone in Church today that really has never had to watch what she ate and has never had a weight problem! She is in her 70’s.

She is one of the sweetest women I have ever known. She has been through her share of heart aches and tribulations over the years but she stopped me because she wanted me to know how much she admired me for being able to lose all this weight even though she has never had to deal with it herself.

I thanked her and it got me thinking that even though my weight has never been an easy thing for me to control, it is small potatoes   ( notice I compare to food ) to what she has had to deal with.

We are all given circumstances that we have to deal with every day some are harder to deal with than others!

Maybe a slow metabolism and chubby cheeks aren’t so bad!



  1. What a fun post!

    That 3rd picture us SO adorable!!!

  2. The Kaehr cheeks, huh? My whole family has them!!
    Sarah Q
