Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A box of chicken


The other day I  bought a 40 pound box of chicken breasts from Troyer’s market!

Being the strong and in shape lady that I consider myself, I hauled it out of my trunk, up my garage steps, into my house, through the laundry room and living room and finally deposited it on my kitchen table along with a few other bags of groceries! (For those of you who know my house it is really not that far I am just in a preposition mode.)

Whew! what a relief, I made it!

Then it hit me! (Not the chicken, the realization)

I had been carrying around not only one 40 pound box of chicken but 4 40pound boxes of chicken.

Now I am pretty strong but I don’t believe that I could carry 4 40lb boxes of chicken in from my car in one trip.

But I used too carry that much everywhere I went!

For the next hour and a half as I cut and cleaned the chicken, marinated some and cooked some for casseroles. (Basically I was feeling like a regular pioneer woman putting meat up for my family for the long, cold, hard, winter. Except I didn’t actually kill the chicken,pluck the chicken, butcher the chicken or even have  to deal with bones and the other really gross stuff.)

I started thinking about how I actually felt when I had all that extra weight attached to me!

It made me realize just how much effort I had to put into just the simple, normal things of day to day life.

You have heard of the term Fat and Lazy!

I don’t believe it

It is just not true!

Try doing just normal day to day tasks with an extra 100 plus pounds attached to you!

It is quite a work out! I didn’t work out then because just carrying all that weight around was a workout. Which explains why I have such big calves and leg muscles. Just carrying me around was like lifting weights every minute of the day! Which is why the perfect boot eludes me. ( that is another whole post).

Here are some for instances of things that are just normal for me now that took a lot of effort before!

Getting dressed and showered

tying my shoes

clipping my toenails

getting groceries

hauling 5 kids anywhere, 3 in car seats for years!

Shopping with friends


Getting in and out of  farm equipment

The list goes on but I think I will save that for another post too.

I was tired, but I thought it was because I was just doing normal mom and farm wife things.

Admitting this is hard for me because all those years of being fat,

I knew I was fat,

I was okay with being fat,

I was even happy!

I told myself I was normal and that by being fat it didn’t make me not the norm. I just wanted to be like every other normal person.

I realize now that as I tie my shoes, clip my toenails, workout, park in the back of Wal-marts parking lot ( well at least half back) Shower, dress, run here and there, up the stairs down the stairs, out to the barn, and I am not winded or exerted, I was not normal.

This makes me a little sad! Even slightly regretful! I think of the things i may have missed out on.

I am not a person to dwell on regrets so I will get past it! I didn’t throw those years away. I just spent them working harder and accomplishing less than I could have. They were still great years, some of the best of my life!

I get to experience things all over again that I had written off as never again or not possible. This past year I roller skated, ice skated, and  water skied.

I really didn’t miss them but now I can do them if I want.

I have the choice!

I really want to try rollerblading this summer.

You know it is funny I never really felt like I was limited. The weight came on over time so that I didn’t even realize how it made me feel.

It also came off so slowly that I didn’t realize how much more it really freed me.

Sometimes I find myself doing a normal task and I marvel how easy it is.

The more I gained (weight) the more I lost (normalcy).

The more I lost (weight) the more I gained (normalcy and health).

It is all relative!

I would still like to lose another box of chicken but I will have to do it one pound of butter at a time!


  1. Susie, I loved that post. I have recently been thinking about this same topic. As I near the end of my pregnancy, it makes me more grateful that this is all it is, is pregnancy. I can hardly walk from one end of the house to the other without having to take a breather (and I live in a ranch!). But one thing I did want to say, is I think its awesome that you were happy, being heavier, it shows your heart and your heart in Christ. So many of us, heavy or not, can continually beat themselves up and not see themselves through Christs' eyes (I'm one of them), but that is motivating... to find happiness and contentment in "whatever state were in"

    Thanks again for sharing!

  2. Oh, the perfect boot has eluded me too! Maybe it's in the genes, Suz. Oh well, we will just have to strut proudly with our huge calves! ;) BTW - I'm super jealous that you have freezer space for 40 lbs of chicken! I can barely find a spot for 1 pound...

  3. Awesome! Simply inspiring and really gave me as oprah says, "An aha moment". You go girl!!!!!!!

  4. Amazing thoughts! Thanks for sharing your heart!
    I'm so proud of you (for lots of reasons), Shari

  5. Great, great post suzy! Thanks for sharing all of that!
