Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Have a good day!


A good friend of mine has a quote she likes to remind me of when we are out walking and trying to solve life’s problems and improve our all around body health…

It goes something like this…

“We spend the first 40 years of our life beating our body up and the next 40 years trying to fix it up.”

This may not be exact but you get the idea.

Some of us are smarter and figure this out earlier than 40 and there are some of us that are still figuring it out. :)

I of course fit in the latter group.

I always think to myself if I knew than what I know now.

Then I realize I did know then (at least to a certain extent) I just chose to ignore it.

But as I get older it seems harder to ignore.

I am sure in 20 more years I will feel the same way… If I knew then what I know now.

But for now I just have to deal with now and today.

I am thankful for that!

I feel fortunate that I have a body that I can still try to fix up.

That I didn’t beat it up beyond repair.

Every day we wake up and are given choices on how we are going to spend are day.

What we will do, where we will go, what we will eat ( for those of us struggling, what and how much we will eat ) what we will see and whose life we will touch!

So quit beating yourself up!

Don’t waste this day. Make it a good one!


  1. One day at a time, right? Well, how come I mess up every morning!

  2. Great post Susie!! Thanks for the reminder. julie :)

  3. That was a really wonderful post. Thanks for helping to put things into perspective. It's a journey not a destination - might as well enjoy the scenery along the way. Thanks Susie, for all of your posts.
