Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Pajama Day

I can’t believe I am admitting this.

I had a pajama day.

That’s right I was in my PJ’s all day.

At some point I put on my Tennies and called them my work out clothes.

But everyone around here knew they were really my jammies.

You might remember I am extremely unmotivated on Mondays.

Well it is really bad when my kids don’t have to go to school and I get the luxury of sleeping in.

Now don’t get me wrong I still accomplished quite a bit today.

Okay maybe not as much as I should have… but I think everyone needs a PJ day every once and awhile.

I am still recovering from Easter weekend. Way too much chocolate around my house now.

It is really trying my will power. I have eaten 2 small bunny heads today before I forced myself to finally give the bunny bodies over to Tim. (chocolate bunnies of course)

I convinced Tiff to workout with me today…

It is so much more fun when you exercise with somebody else.

Although I am not sure she would admit it.

She did admit it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be.

Hey! maybe my Leslie workouts will finally gain a little respect around here! :)

Well I ended my day with a refreshing shower and you guessed it… clean jammies (AKA workout clothes).

I am all ready for tomorrow! :)


  1. Cute post, I live in my jammies so don't feel bad.

  2. Good idea to get the chocolate out of the house. I ate so much on Easter Sunday, that I haven't eaten much more than cereal since. It really threw my body out of whack. Maybe you should try that diet, just eat so much one day, that you're too sick to eat anything else for awhile:)
