Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Snacker!


Why is it I am always hungry on weekends?

Is this just a me problem or is it universal?

Sundays are especially hard! I always start out great but after church all I want to do is snack,snack, snack!!!

It is like my body is programmed to want to eat junky stuff on Sunday.

Did I train myself this way?

Is it genetic?

Is it from years of eating delicious church lunches?

Well whatever caused it I am left to deal with this hunger dilemma every weekend!

Now on Saturday I can shape myself up by exercising more.

But Sunday I just don’t take the time, I have to be ready for church, then there is the after church snacking. ( I could exercise then but of course I would get all sweaty and wouldn’t be ready for whatever Sunday night plans we have) Tonight was Troy’s 1st Swing Choir program.

Of course that didn’t last long and guess what they served snacks!!

But I was strong! I didn’t eat a single thing there!!!


Then I came home!!

The Snack monster reemerged!

Now don’t get me wrong I didn’t fall off the wagon completely!

I just ate things I really didn’t need too.

I wasn’t even that hungry

It was just an inner snacking Sunday craving

Well the good news is I am going to bed so no more snacking this Sunday and I already have my broccoli ready to go for tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be better! Hopefully I won’t have an insatiable need for carbs and sugars!

After all it’s Monday! I’ll be to unmotivated to snack!


  1. Have the same problem. Sunday after church is the worst!!

    And I don't blame you: who wants to exercise on Sunday?! It's a day of rest anyway and I don't consider exercising rest at all...yuck! :)

    Sarah F

  2. Hi Susie,
    My food diary has a tendancy to look the same way. Six good days and then on Sunday I crash. If you come up with a good solution let us know.
    Have a good Monday.
    Brenda B.

  3. Susie,
    I have the same Sunday problem...like Brenda said, if you find a good solution, I'd love to hear it!
    Jan S
