Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

On Being Brave!


Third post of the week!!

Yesterday I went and had a tooth pulled!

This is the first tooth I have ever had pulled (not counting my baby teeth)

I don’t have wisdom teeth and by now I am fairly certain I will not develop them.

Someone commented to me once that you must not be very smart to not have wisdom teeth.

I countered with….

Au Contraire! I must be very smart to not develop teeth that most likely will have to be removed.

But truthfully I have a very little mouth ( I know shocking) so there would never had been enough room.

I was very brave and even had it done with no gas!

Okay actually I am very cheap.

But I really put up and brave and confident front.

Joking with the assistant, smiling and seemingly not having a care in the World.

Finally my point…

When I sat down in the chair they took my blood pressure and to say the least it was quite elevated.

I have what they call White Coat Syndrome.

They say this is very normal and most people do have elevated blood pressure while sitting in their chair.

Actually I don’t think I even realized how nervous I really was.

It made me think … I really put up a pretty good front but there are just some things you can’t fake and blood pressure is one of them. :)

God may not have a blood pressure cuff on my arm but he knows when I am faking, He knows when I am struggling and he knows when things on the outside don’t match with feelings on the inside.

Kind of comforting really not having to be brave in front of God!

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1 (NASB)

Have a great Day!


1 comment:

  1. Good reminder..thanks!

    And btw...I never got my wisdom teeth either!

