Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just a Little of This and That!


Way back in February I actually won something which is really sort of rare for me.

I won a picture from Tara Steffen’s Blog 

Well…. I actually have it in a frame and hung.

Which is amazing for me.

Here it is hanging on my bathroom wall….



This is something called a floating frame. I love it because it looks like it is matted with the exact same color as my wall…

Don’t you think?

I bought it at Kohls for under $10 on sale and I am very pleased at how it turned out.

I am hoping to take a Spring or Summer Pic and add a verse to it for the a change.

Who knows maybe I will try to do every season.

But for now I am just pleased to have it hung!

Maybe I can use one of these…





Okay this is actually one of Tiff’s

yellow flowers

As are these…

water balloons  100_0207


Okay change of topic….

Yesterday I made my Weight Watchers Strawberry Pie.

Did you know you can have 1.5 cups of strawberries for 1 point.

or a fourth of this Pie. (Whew!I finally found the recipe I should really categorize things on this blog)

Good News if your local, Strawberries are 10 for $10 this week at Meijers and you get the 11th one free.

I plan on eating strawberries everyday this week!!

Well I better end this now so I can get to bed in good time tonight. It helps my diet to get enough sleep….

1. I am not awake to eat anything and

2. There are many benefits for Health and diet by getting enough sleep If interested go here and read up on them.

Goodnight and sweet dreams!



  1. That looks great Susie! I have seen those and they're very neat! Great pictures too. I love rain shots!

    Strawberry pie sounds wonderful. I need to plant a patch again in my garden...

  2. Love the balloon pic, very summery (nice word huh).

  3. great pics! i really like the first one of the tulips before they are opened. i'd frame that one if i were you!!

  4. Strawberries! They sound delish! Thanks for the heads up about the sale. And I'm LOVING that baloon picture! So creative!

  5. I also think the water balloon one is very summery (I word steal) and whimsical. I do love the pink tulip with droplets on it - very calm and beautiful. Great job!!! It's always fantastic to read your blog. Enjoy your strawberries.
    Quick strawberry recipe (not that you need any help) -
    Strawberry sorbet:
    2 cups frozen strawberries (or other fruit)
    3 tsp water
    3 tsp sugar
    boil sugar and water to make simple syrup. In a blender add frozen strawberries and simple syrup - blend, serve, and enjoy!!!!
