Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Few Pics


Today is Quiet!

Almost too quiet.

I am the only one home.

This is something that used to be rare.

Now it is happening more and more.

My thoughts are loud

Funny, used to be I could hardly hear them.

I have lots to do.

Some much that I am not sure where to start.

And here I sit blogging.

probably because I am sick and have no motivation.

I thought I had allergies but I think they ( the allergies) have recently developed into a sinus infection or maybe just a cold  (Who gets a cold in June?) This has been dragging on for 2 weeks now and I am sick ( literally)  of it! I am tired of coughing, blowing my nose and feeling yuck!

I am also slightly whiney in case you hadn’t guessed!

Here are a few pics from the last few weeks that I just took off one of my cameras.

Scholarship night


Senior Sunday School Breakfast


Bacculaureate night… Tiff and Clayton


Tiff’s party all decorated and ready to go


Her display table


Graduation Day


Visiting my Niece Amy and Sweet Great Nieces… This is Jada, Adia was sleeping by the time I remembered my camera… They are so DARLING!! For more pics of the little sweeties go to my sidebar and click on Treasures in Jars of Clay or just click here Ames just put some new pics up of the girls.


Some Dad’s and sons went canoeing down the Wabash on Saturday.

Tim and Tyler went and had a great time!


Here are just the young guys!



Well I am off to get busy!!

or maybe I will just take a walk. :)

Have a great Day!


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