Our Family Pic October 2008

Our Family Pic October 2008
Still smiling!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It Hurts!


Last week I started a new workout video.

Jillian’s 30 day Shred (Jillian is one of the trainers from the Biggest Loser)

Some of the teachers at the school kind of got me started.

Plus this DVD is only  $9 at the local Wal-Mart.



It has 3 levels of workouts.

I am still on level one following the modified (easier) workout.

I can’t imagine moving on to level 2 for quite awhile.

The workout is only about 28 minutes but she covers cardio and strength. She also targets certain muscles.

Let’s just say the 1st day after I was moving around very carefully.

Sadly I will have to go back to some of my low impact exercises for awhile as I have a slight injury.

Okay I am not good at that making a long story short but here goes.

Monday I got up did this workout then I went to school to sub for the Gym teacher. This is one of my favorite sub jobs.

I mean you get to wear exercise clothes and tennis shoes and sometimes you get a whistle.

I love whistles!!!

Although I was only in for a half of day so I didn’t bother with the whistle.

I know who cares right?

Back to the story at hand.

The 6th grade kids were playing Chinese kick ball, boys vs. the girls and the girls were soooo behind that I thought I would just jump in and help them out.

Okay confession I was just aching to play too!

So I head out there and am doing pretty good I got one of the boys out and still had possession of the ball when one boy whizzed by me.

I took off running after him to get him out too…

Feeling quite cocky I might add.

When all of the sudden my left leg basically quit functioning. I can only imagine what I must have looked like.

Actually I don’t have to imagine too much as the other Gym sub and interpreter  (for the deaf) told me I looked like I was careening head first for a bad fall.

Basically that’s what it felt like my right leg was running full bore while my left leg dragged behind with no control. I couldn’t stop and It felt like I was going to take a header.

Luckily I managed to get it stopped (or should I say God was with me and I didn’t fall) Because by all the laws of gravity I should have bit the dust.

So after visiting my chiropractor who chastised me for not coming in for a year and if I had been properly in line this wouldn’t have happened.

I have been informed that I pulled my hamstring!

Basically I have to ice my Behind and apply heat to my thigh for the next few days to a week and not strain it.

Here is something new for me. Sitting around is a challenge! (Painful) Who Knew! 

I guess some one needs to inform my 20 year old mind that I have a 41 year old body.

Makes me sad!!  :(

Cause I really like Chinese Kickball!



  1. I can't quit laughing! Susie you missed your calling--you should be an author you can sure tell a story. I am very sorry about your injury. I am very thankful that you didn't hurt yourself anymore than you did. Thanks so much for sharing. julie :)

  2. We have that Jillian video and it is awesome. I am tempted to order her 2 new ones out because they have really good reviews too! I didn't hear about your gym experience, ouch! They haven't asked me to sub in gym yet, I think I could handle that too:)

  3. Oh Susie,
    I must admit like Julie did - I laughed so hard while reading your post. I am VERY sorry for your injury. My biggest fear is that this injury will derail your awesome exercise efforts! Hang in there - take it easy for a little while, be sure to heal before going to the crazy workouts - you don't want a set back. I think you should go into story telling - you're hysterical!

  4. I typed you a long comment and it got erased. So, here I ago again!

    Ever since I started school, I've quit reading blogs. I guess I'm tired of reading. :) It was fun to catch up on your blog today!

    I'm really sorry about your injury! That's such a bummer, but I'm sure you looked funny!

    It was fun looking at your FL pics and I can totally relate to the one of you guys at the empty pool. I've been that girl MANY times. :)

    Good job getting back on the weight loss wagon. I hope it goes well!
